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RUSH is the Greek Life period where students, who are interested in joining a fraternity, can meet the brothers. It is an important time on the BU campus. Be sure to take full advantage of the RUSH dates and go out to meet as many fraternities as possible. Below are some important questions that should be asked of each fraternity prior to joining:

    1. Is your organization local or national?
    2. How much are membership dues per year/semester?
    3. Does the fraternity give back to the town and University?
    4. What can I expect of my life after I join?
    5. Do participate in social activities (parties)?

Greek Life requires all new members to have at least 12 college credits and at least a 2.5 GPA. Unfortunately, this eliminates all first semester freshman. Transfer students are eligible if they meet the credit requirement. Unqualified students are encouraged to still participate in RUSH events to see if Greek Life is something they may enjoy later.

Interested in joining Delta Pi?

RUSH is currently over for Spring 2011.

Congratulations on all who received bids! We look forward to being your brothers!


Did you miss a RUSH event? Can't make it on those dates? Fill out the following form. The information will be given to our RUSH Chair and we will be sure to notify and include you in our upcoming RUSH and brother events.

Webmaster: Matthew McCarthy

Bloomsburg University

400 East Second Street

Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815

Last Updated: April 4, 2012
