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Jason Godeke - artist of "Cousin Will You Take My Hand?" JoAnne Growney – author of “Writer’s Exercise” Jennifer Hudock – author of “Manhunt” Sandra Kohler – author of “Barking” C. M. Krum - photographer, Riverbanks and Rickett's Glen Forest Marjorie Maddox – author of “Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland” James Najarian – author of “The Snow” Jerry Wemple – author of “Cousin Will You Take My Hand” Karen J. Weyant – author of “The Fly Fisherman’s Daughter” Robert Paul Wilson – author of “The Island”
Jason Godeke grew up in Northern California (Caspar, population around 400). He spent his junior year of high school in The Netherlands, and it was there that his interest in drawing and painting first took shape. He completed his undergraduate studies at Yale College in New Haven and graduated in 1990 with a BA in studio art. He pursued graduate study in painting at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and received an MFA in spring 2000. He has been represented by the R.B. Stevenson Gallery in San Diego, California since 1995. He is currently an assistant professor of drawing and design at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania.
JoAnne Growney lived along the Susquehanna River in Selinsgrove when her family’s home was washed away in flooding caused by Hurricane Agnes in 1972. She moved to higher ground but continued in Susquehanna River communities (Selinsgrove and Bloomsburg) until 2005, when she moved south to Silver Spring, MD. Her chap-book My Dance in Mathematics was published in April 2006 (Paper Kite Press). In addition to individual poems in a variety of magazines and e-zines (in 2006 – Innisfree, Divided City, and Poet Lore), selections of her work appear in Listening to Water: The Susquehanna Watershed Anthology (Foothills Publishing, 2007); in Everyday Life: Genre Art Northeast (2006 Gallery Catalog, River Light Press, 2005). A former mathematics professor at Bloomsburg University, JoAnne is an editor for a collection of “mathematical” love poems forthcoming in 2008. She participated in Pennsylvania’s Stillwater Poetry Festival in September 2007, and in Maryland, she leads an ongoing workshop class at Recovery Drop-In Center and works with Gateway’s Heliport Gallery on poetry-art projects. She is an active participant in various Washington, D.C.-area poetry activities.
Jennifer Hudock resides in a cozy, but damp, valley in the upper Susquehanna region of Pennsylvania. She has a BA in Creative Writing from Bloomsburg University and has recently been published in Strange Horizons, eMuse and Demon Minds.
Sandra Kohler’s second collection of poems, The Ceremonies of Longing (Pitt Poetry Series, 2003), was winner of the 2002 AWP Award Series in Poetry. Her first collection, The Country of Women, was published by Calyx Books in 1995. Her poems have appeared recently in Diner, The Colorado Review, The New Republic, and Prairie Schooner. After living for many years in a town along the Susquehanna River in Central Pennsylvania, she has recently moved to the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston.
C. M. Krum is a senior concentrating in fine are photography in the Department of Art & Art History at Bloomsburg University.
Professor of English at Lock Haven University, Marjorie Maddox has published eight collections of poetry and over 280 poems, stories, and essays in journals and anthologies. She is the co-editor of Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania (PSU Press) and author of two forthcoming children’s books from Boyds Mills Press: A Crossing of Zebras: Animal Packs in Poetry and The Rules of the Game: Baseball Poems. Her short story collection What She Was Saying was one of the three finalists for the Katherine Anne Porter Book Award. The recipient of numerous awards, Marjorie lives with her husband and two children in Williamsport, PA.
Born in Reading, PA, James Najarian grew up on a goat farm in northern Berks County. He is of mixed Pennsylvania German and Armenian heritage. Though he spends much of the summer in Wellsboro, PA, he presently teaches Victorian literature at Boston College, where he is an associate professor. He has published a book on Romantic and Victorian poetry, Victorian Keats, with Palgrave Macmillan (2002) as well as fiction and poetry in Ararat, Blue Unicorn, Xavier Review, The Mennonite, and other literary journals. Most of his creative work is set in the region. He is presently at work on a study of Keats, and a novel and an essay on the Pennsylvania naturalist and poet George Washington Sears.
Karen Weyant teaches at Jamestown Community College in Western New York, but grew up in rural Pennsylvania, near the banks of the Clarion River. While most of her work pertains to the Allegheny River region of the state, she has some fond memories of fishing on the Susquehanna (way before Bill Collins came along with his poem). She has work published or forthcoming in 5 AM, The Barn Owl Review, Slipstream and the minnesota review.
Robert Paul Wilson was born in the Bloomsburg Hospital, a scant mile or two from the Susquehanna River. He has since jumped in it, swum in it, driven over it, and kayaked on it. It’s also quite likely that, at a very young age, he may even have drunk some of it. A bit later, he received his BA in English from Bloomsburg University and is presently in pursuit of a Master’s degree. He currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee.
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