Available only to incoming freshmen, the initial scholarship is granted through the Admissions Office. Criteria include a minimum 3.0 GPA or 88 on 100 point scale; minimum 1050 SAT score, membership/participation in three or more organizations or extracurricular activities; i.e., athletics, school publications, performing arts, and officership in one or more of these. The Admissions Office selects nominees from among current applicants; nominees must accept awards by February 15 of the calendar year before they enroll at BU. This award is not renewable.
These are competitive scholarships available to active PLP students in the sophomore, junior or senior year. The number of available scholarships varies each year. Criteria include a minimum 3.0 overall GPA, must have contributed a minimum of 20 hours of community service each semester (Fall/spring) with supporting documentation, a recommendation letter from the faculty advisor, active participation in PLP workshops/retreats/programs offered throughout the year, and be an active member of at least one other student organization with leadership responsibility. Examples include (but are not limited to): an officer or committee chairperson of another student organization on campus; orientation workshop leader, Community Assistant in the residence halls, sports team captain, or Husky Ambassador. Community service hours performed for academic credit or for judicial sanction will not count toward the service requirement. Applicants for the Upperclass PLP Scholarship Competition cannot be on an active judicial sanction at time of application.
The scholarship criteria and a downloadable application are available on the Forms & Publications page.