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KUB Technical Crew Operations

Keys & Access


Two sets of Technical Crew keys are available in the Student Activities Office outside of the Operation Manager's (Bill's) office door. Your Student ID provides access to these keys.

  • All keys must be returned by the person who signed them out.
  • Both key sets MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR BOXES after each shift and at the end of the night.
  • Always keep your keys on your person. A clasping key chain is provided on the keys in order to clip them to your clothing so that they are always on you.
  • Do not set down your keys in any room.
Location Key Access to:
Key RingDDAMMSub-Master building key.
Key RingH6-21Mechanical Room entrance in BR Lobby. For: Ballroom Auxiliary AC Power for BR3 connection.
Key RingMM111Presentation PC carts.
Key RingMedecoBallroom separation walls between BR 1&2 and BR 2&3.
Key RingB644A-RDOpens Front/rear access doors to IMP stations or Middle Atlantic racks.
Key RingEberhard 100Opens access doors to Hideaway 209 equipment rack.
Key RingC420A-A [Black Key]Opens hinged plexiglass security panel.
Key RingH 2007Handy Herman aerial PERSONNEL lift.
Key Box#8Multi A&B dimmable lighting.
Ken's OfficeC415AMulti A&B IMP Lecterns (Front & Rear).
Key RingE10Ballroom projector lift (OBSOLETE - EMERGENCY MANUAL OPERATION ONLY). See Crestron Touchscreen.
Key RingB644AFlush-mounted mic input panel in BR1 (NO LONGER USED - OBSOLETE).
Key RingH661Ballroom blinds (NO LONGER USED - OBSOLETE). See BR Window Shades.

Building Access

External Doors

External door schedule:

  • Monday - Friday: Unlock @ 7:00am. Lock @ Midnight (12:00am).
  • Saturday - Sunday: Unlock @ 9:30am. Lock @ Midnight (12:00am).
  • Late night (Thursday, Friday, Sunday): Lock @ Midnight (12:00am).

SHIFTS PRIOR TO BUILDING OPENING: The KUB entrance at the Commons and Luzerne automatically unlock at 9:45am or fifteen minutes before the building is scheduled to open.

Internal Locks

Internal locks automatically update at 5:00pm. Prior or after that time, if your attempt at access is denied, wait a minute and try again.

BU Student IDs

Employees may not work unless they have their BU ID with them. If you forgot your ID, you must retrieve it and return to work during your shift or the remainder of your shift. Employees will not be paid for time spent retrieving their BU ID or for shifts missed as a result of forgotten/lost BU IDs.

Employees who forget or lose their ID and cannot work or will be late for their scheduled shift MUST immediately notify his/her supervisor before the shift begins. Failure to do so may result in written reprimand or termination of employment.

During Media Services Coordinator scheduled work hours:
(Order of contact is: Ken, Bill, Graduate Assistant, Kristi, Debbie, Ed.)

  • E-mail (preferable) or call the Media Services Coordinator with notification of your issue(s).

During Media Services Coordinator non‐scheduled work hours:

  1. You must contact and notify the Scheduling Coordinator, Operations Manager, professional KUB staff or the Operations Staff L2 on‐duty if you are unable to work or will be late for your shift. Voice Messages are not acceptable. Failure to call due to lack of cell phone minutes is not acceptable.
  2. E-mail (preferable) or call the Media Services Coordinator with notification of your issue(s).