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KUB Technical Crew Operations

Skill Benchmarks According to Employment Length

Benchmark (bench·mark), [bench-mahrk]


  1. a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged
  2. any standard or reference by which others can be measured or judged

KUB Student Technical Crew employees are expected to know and replicate concepts and information depending on the student's length of employment with the Technical Crew. Hours worked in another Student Activities work group are not eligible for use in Technical Crew benchmarking tiers. Thus employees transferring from another Student Activities work group into the Technical Crew work group begin at Tier 1 and must progress as all other employees.

Figure 1. Example of employee humanity.com Statistics block.

Hours will be tracked in the employee's humanity.com account under the Statistics block (Figure 1). Additionally, hours will be verified in eTime.

Hour Accrual Benchmarks

An employee working 20 hours per week during a regular Spring or Fall semester may potentially accrue up to 300 hours of worked time.

One (1) Semester

Basic Equipment and Concepts

  1. Basic setups
    • Neat and clean, put out keyboard/mouse, etc.
    • Adjust mic volumes
  2. Organizing computer carts
  3. Organizing cable storage
  4. Organizing storage area
  5. Drinks near tech equipment
  6. Operate room sound systems (See also IMP Stations / Sound systems)
  7. Mic cable specific use and storage location
  8. Ballroom AV system operation, shutdown, video mute.
  9. Basic Speaker setup
    • Speakers on same plane
    • Speakers at same height
    • Speakers same volume
Two (2) Semesters

Basic Equipment and Concepts

  1. All of semester one.
  2. Conference Microphones
  3. Phantom power
  4. Operating Theatrical (Ballroom) lighting, portable lighting / lighting controllers
  5. Opening/closing BR walls
  6. Operation and use of Handy Herman personnel lift
  7. Running spot light
  8. Running mini sound systems
  9. Podium power, set clock for high-end events

Regular Event Setups

  1. All of semester one.
  2. Student Senate or CGA Senate Meetings
Three (3) Semesters

Basic Equipment and Concepts

  1. All of semester two.
  2. Using moving lights to light objects in Ballroom as last minute request
  3. Updating computers (both PCs and Laptops)
  4. Auxiliary AC Power Snake for Ballroom

Regular Event Setups

  1. All of semester two.
  2. Multiple day conferences/events
Four (4) Semesters

Basic Equipment and Concepts

  1. All of semester three.
  2. Focusing theatrical lighting
  3. Focusing/setup portable lighting
  4. Running small sound system
  5. Running Ballroom sound system
  6. Location and operation of Multi A&B dimmable lighting
  7. Location and operation of room breakers

Regular Event Setups

  1. All of semester three.
Five (5) Semesters

Advanced Equipment and Concepts

  1. All of semester four.
  2. Using Phase Reverse
  3. Using compressor/limiters for dynamically wide audio signals and background music
  4. Projector settings and adjustments
  5. Signal Flow
  6. Creating recording outputs
  7. Connecting Small and Large sound systems into one system
  8. Audio equalization and basic audio mixing/production

Regular Event Setups

  1. All of semester four.
  2. Running Program Board events