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KUB Technical Crew Operations

Tier 2: 81-280 Hours Accrued

Required: Be able to consistently perform skills, responsibilities; and information and knowledge from Tier 1.

After 80 Hours Accrued

Employees may begin to be scheduled on shifts alone after they have accrued eighty (80) hours of recorded work-time. During the accrual of eighty (80) hours of recorded work-time, employees are expected to have acquired, learned, and to adhere to basic concepts and responsibilities of the position. After an employee has accrued eighty (80) hours of recorded work-time, the employee will be held accountable for knowing and applying the following concepts:


  1. Train and accurately advise new employees on Tier 1 requirements.


Communication & Access

  1. Kehr Union Building Quirks


Systems Operation


Basic Setups

  1. B.U.S.T.E.D.